101 Dirty Tricks of Secret Courts: Private Family Law

101 Dirty Tricks of Secret Courts: Private Family Law

Matematika ʚ ۫ ׅׄ ׅ ɞ ׅ hαᥣ᥆᥆᥆ ! Is there anyone here? ada yang bisa tolong bantu jawab in soal ini ga yaaa? ☹. ini penting banget dan waktunya juga mepet, and tomorrow must be collected to my homeroom teacher ‍. mohon banget buat yang jawab jangan ngasal yaa, I'm afraid my score isn't on the report card .

ꔛ ˚ᦃ ﹗✦ ࣪ sⱺαᥣ :

[tex] \frac{3}{5} + \frac{2}{2} [/tex]
[tex] \frac{4}{6} + \frac{2}{3} [/tex]

Thank you very much for those who have answered my questions, have a good day, my friend ! ☁️ ​

ʚ ۫ ׅׄ ׅ ɞ ׅ hαᥣ᥆᥆᥆ ! Is there anyone here? ada yang bisa tolong bantu jawab in soal ini ga yaaa? ☹. ini penting banget dan waktunya juga mepet, and tomorrow must be collected to my homeroom teacher ‍. mohon banget buat yang jawab jangan ngasal yaa, I'm afraid my score isn't on the report card .

ꔛ ˚ᦃ ﹗✦ ࣪ sⱺαᥣ :

[tex] \frac{3}{5} + \frac{2}{2} [/tex]
[tex] \frac{4}{6} + \frac{2}{3} [/tex]

Thank you very much for those who have answered my questions, have a good day, my friend ! ☁️ ​

semoga membantuu, semangaat !
